Rose McGowan heading to a gym1

Rose McGowan heading to a gym1

Rose McGowan heading to a gym1

Rose McGowan heading to a gym1

With her sharp tongue and brash sensuality, Rose McGowan has been a source of both titillation and discomfort to an industry that still hasn’t quite figured out what to do with women who are both unapologetically smart and sexual. The child of hippies, McGowan was born in Florence, Italy to a French mother and Irish father.

As the second oldest of six children, McGowan was raised on an Italian commune run by the Children of God cult. Her family relocated to Oregon when McGowan was ten, at which point, not only could she not speak English, but she had yet to see a movie; in fact, she didn’t even know about them. Her education consisted of little artsy schools and home schooling from her mother.

Rose McGowan heading to a gym1