Heaven on Earth

Always have been a big fan of Hot Springs. You cannot really go wrong with them - they are usually placed somewhere totally unbelievably gorgeous, surrounded by half-naked people, all soaking in this constantly flowing water source from deep within the earth. I had mentioned to a photographer a few days ago that I was going to check out some hot springs while traveling through Northern Cali - He recommended a spring called Orr. Looking up Orr, I came across the familiar name of Harbin
So I have finally started booking for Alaska - only to realize that there is no way that financially I can pull this off. Gas is over $4.50 Canadian in Edmonton right now, even worse further north. I do not have enough jobs between now and then to fund it. On top of that, you have my car which is falling apart and a drive that is about 24 hours long without Triple A or cell service.... might even be a few dirt roads to deal with as well
So I have finally started booking for Alaska - only to realize that there is no way that financially

Last night I hung out with a kid that I met at Coachella a few weeks back.... Mr. Mike D. We had been in touch here and there, decided to hang out while I was in town... He drove out to Oakland and picked me up after work, went to his place in San Fran, met his roommate, celebrated his 27th birthday all night

Heaven on Earth